Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Macbeth Human Nature Essay - 1134 Words

Shakespeare may be dead, but his ideas about human nature are timeless, and still very much alive today. Two of the richest ideas explored by Shakespeare in his play Macbeth revolve around the differing versions of reality and the pursuit of ambition through manipulation. These ideas are examined though the purposeful characterisation of the witches, King Duncan and Lady Macbeth. These themes are also highlighted in contemporary texts such as Mark Waters Mean Girls, Are you living an Insta lie? and Cameron Russel’s TED Talk Looks Aren’t Everything, which demonstrates that when it comes to the ability to manipulate and then substantiate actions through developing a version of the truth, it is done to best suit the individual’s purpose. As†¦show more content†¦However he turned out to be a traitor to which Duncan surmises, you cannot trust appearances. The reality portrayed by the former Thane to Duncan was different to his true nature. It is these contras ting versions of reality that ultimately leads to both Duncan’s and Macbeth’s demise. Similarly, the idea of an artificially constructed version of reality is also evident in the context of our time through social media. The YouTube video â€Å"Are you living an Insta lie?† explores how Instagram users post a different â€Å"version of reality†. Viewers on Instagram interpret the posts literally, without imagining what effort was made to edit the photo, providing only one version of reality. For example, the image of the girl laying on her bed with the quote â€Å"#woke up like this†, when taken literally, shows she woke up looking fresh and perfect. However, the video shows us that she washes her face, brushes her hair and applies make up, clearly revealing one message to the audience that is very different to her reality. The TED Talk ‘Looks aren’t everything, believe me, I’m a model’ by Cameron Russel also exposes the different versions of reality manipulated in the modelling industry. The juxtaposition of the image of the attractive young women posing in her bikini and Cameron’s explanation â€Å"this is the first time I ever wore a bikini, I was only a young girl further highlights the constructed reality we live in, in contemporary society. Through theShow MoreRelatedDefining Manhood Through Gender Stereotypes1183 Words   |  5 PagesStereotypes in Macbeth In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare attempts to define manhood and explore the different perceptions held towards what it means to be a man. As William Liston notes in his essay, â€Å"Man appears more than 40 times, almost always with a conscious sense of defining the term—or rather, of defining a person by the term† (232). Lady Macbeth is used as a tool to not only convey this theme, but she instigates the plot as well. 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